As many of you do not know, there is a huge problem south of our border and its not about illegal immigration. Even though I already gave my 2 cents on California and their weed position, the Mexican drug war is a huge problem, and even though there are some similarities, this isn't a re-run post.
For decades Mexican drug cartels have been smuggling arms as well as drugs, mostly marijuana, but also cocaine and recently meth and these cartels making literally billions of dollars off of it. Everything was fine, until recently, and when gangs have problems, killings start. Mexico has been fighting this war, but drug related homicides have doubled and some are questioning if even Mexico can win. These blood-baths are now happening in the US, which is why we care now.
The war is spilling over to America and this has caused us to open our eyes. Over 1,000 men, women and children have been killed this year, all in the name of money. If we want to stop this there are 2 ways, economically speaking, to deal with this.
1. Stop the demand for drugs
2. Increase the supply for drugs
Stopping the demand for drugs is impossible and Americans will always demand them, price is not really a deterrent. We have wasted billions on the war on drugs, and it has got us no where, even according to President Obama.
Who would want to increase the supply of drugs!!!??? Well, I would. Not because I need marijuana, cocaine, meth and AK-47's, but because this would 100% end the war. Since marijuana is over 70% of their profit, legalization would cut their profit by 70%. I would not stop there, but legalize all drugs. It is not the governments role or right to tell you what to do with your own body. They are here to protect us (these killings are horrifing towns in over 213 american cities), obviously not happening. Let the american's be free and stop the violence at the same time.
If we eliminated the area of the black market these cartels are profiting on, they will disappear overnight. No more killings, a safer america, more money for more important programs (education, public transport, homelessness, drug awareness) and a regulatory system for this.
I am in favor of the principal of freedom, even to the philosophical (realistically unattainable) sense. Lets make money, stop killings and give freedom to Americans.