Saturday, February 28, 2009

Paying off debt with pot

As you may have heard, California is in debt.  ALOT OF DEBT.  They are over $60B dollars in debt, and are desperate for ways to get back to zero.  A bill is in the process right now, which would help California get out of debt, fast.  The bill will legalize marijuana for all citizens 21+.  Before this, California used marijuana for medicinal purposes, but this would even be for recreational.  Weed is California's largest cash crop, worth over $14B a year.  Currently, all of this money is in the hands of criminals and gangs.  These millions of dollars worth of pot are the center of the drug wars in California and Mexico.  This bill would allow the California government to gain tax revenue and would also save millions of dollars a year in regards to law enforcement, not to mention the reduction in crime and corruption.  
This would be handled like alcohol, for example you must be 21+ and can not "smoke and drive".  I personally think that if someone wants to use marijuana, it should be their choice, and the government could benefit from it as well.  Cigarettes and alcohol are very deadly, but the government regulates and taxes them.  Marijuana is much safer than the two most popular drugs in america, and it is impossible to die from it.  
     I would not choose to use this because of the negative sterotypes and since I am under age. But I think it is a good idea for California, economically, since the are so broke.  Hopefully they will figure it out.

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